Nurse Reeves and Mrs. Washington's classes posing
Woodland Students together after completing the obstacle course
Men of HES Volunteers
Student Council officers
Winning Team for Cupcake Wars with Mr. White and Mrs. Lewis
Basketball player on court
5th grade bowing at the end of their play.
WMS 7th and 8th grade combined band playing their instruments
WHS Band at Holiday Concert
Mrs. Prentiss speaking to industry professionals, teachers and parents at the meeting in the WHS Library.
Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Yates
Mrs. Gladfelter
Tiger Town Chorus from WMES singing on December 1st.
Clay Hill Elementary School Ravens celebrating winning the chapionship
Augustus Morant
2024 DD4 School Board
Homecoming Queen Contestants on the field
Students smiling at the camera at the fall unified games
Gaillard Performance in naitive garb
DD4 Superintendent, Sheriff's dept., office of federal programs and student services depaertmet